Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Darkness, Rain, River and Forest

I have just returned from a one and a half hour long walk in the rain, in solitude, in the dark, along one of my most contented places.  Minnowburn and the Lagan.  It may seem strange to wander along a rain soaked path, alongside a river on a mild winter's night, however for me it clears my head, refreshes me in the sense that the days worries are subjected to the back of one's mind.  It alerts the senses from sight (adjusting to the dark), smell (the aromas of the last embers of Autumn life decaying), touch (rain applying itself upon my face revitalising skin), sound (music, the river and the percussion of rain).  All this subjects me to my well being.  It is something that I recommend, however not on my route. 

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